Our midterm exam on Friday, October 28, will have the following format.
(A) Verb blocks:
I'll give you the first principal part of a verb and specify a person and number, you give me the Greek forms in all tenses of the indicative and all voices — 14 forms in all, 3 verb blocks total.
NOTE: Although I will chose at least one contract verb, all of the verbs will be fairly regular: that is, they'll all have six principal parts and display a minimum of volatility from part to part.(B) Genitive absolute transformations:
I'll give you up to 5 Greek sentences that feature a subordinate clause introduced by a conjunction, you translate the sentence and rewrite the original Greek sentence with a genitive absolute in place of the subordinate clause.(C) Passage to translate:
A short passage of connected Greekprose, using vocabulary and grammar through chapter 30. Read it carefully and write out your translation.(D) Reading out loud (take-home portion, due Sunday, October 30, 11:00 p.m.):
Practice reading the midterm passage out loud: use Groton's textbook to help you determine vowel/consonant sounds and place accents. When you have perfected your reading, call my campus voice mail and read me the Greek over the phone.
NOTE: Please prepare for and complete this portion of the exam on your own. I'll supply a copy of the passage for you to practice on and mark up. (No, you do not have to memorize the passage. Yes, you can read from the copy.)
* * * * *
For this exam, you'll be responsible for all concepts and vocabulary through Groton Chapter 30. Your preparation will necessitate some memorization. Toward that end, I would suggest (at a minimum) memorizing principal parts of all verbs from chapters 22 onward, as well as the formation of all participles.
Everyone will be allowed to ask, out loud, one vocabulary question per established custom.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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